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Talks about humanity and compassion are all matter of taste

Talks about humanity and compassion are all rubbish, It's nothing but only a matter of taste, and argument, sinners' self-comfort - self-consolation

by Inkless Diary
Talks about humanity and compassion are all rubbish,It's nothing but only a matter of taste, and argument, sinners' self-comforting - self-consolation matter of taste

Talks about humanity and compassion are all rubbish,It’s nothing but only a matter of taste, and argument, sinners’ self-comforting – self-consolation

Talks about humanity and compassion are all rubbish,
It’s nothing but only a matter of taste, and argument, sinners’ self-comforting – self-consolation, What you think is right may actually be wrong, but still, you do it and argue that this is Correct is = selfish – greedy,

and what you think is wrong may actually be right, but still you do not do it and argue that this is wrong is = egoistic – idiot.

If you love eating fish, you will show your bullshit compassion towards chicken and so on.

If you like eating chicken, you will show your nonsense compassion towards Goat and other animals.

If you like eating Goat, you will show your bullshit compassion towards other animals, and so on.

If you are a pure vegetarian, you will show your bullshit compassion towards animals, however, you will hate non-vegetarian humans and you will say human beings are wrong, carrying bad feelings in your heart is a sin,

snatching milk from a cow which she wanted to feed to her calf is sin.

One million cells in the human body die every second, which means all are killing live cells, and all humans are a sinner.

By Vikrom

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